Sunday, November 10, 2013

Envitably Sunday...

Coffee, it's like the force. Are you on the light side or the dark side? I like it sweet and creamy... I'm good!

I'm looking forward to a nice painting session today. I have a few things to finish, a couple things to start and some new ideas and techniques to test out. It should last about four hours long.

My daughter and her fiance will be joining us later on for a nice quiet evening of board games.. we haven't done that in years, but since we moved and were able to get the board hands into an easy access type place.. yea, looking forward to it. Dinner to! Although, I haven't really planned anything... hmmm I should probably get to it!

Ok, then.. onward and upward! May your coffee flow through your cups like the Niagra falls over those cliffs!

Peace and Light! ~  Sherry

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Paintings Galore!!

Of all the labels I wear, mother, wife, doggie mommy, sister, daughter, voluptuous sex goddess, ect. One of my favorite labels is artist (it might have been my favorite, but what could actually really beat voluptuous sex goddess???)
My favorite media is spray paint, but I've been pencil sketching for as long as I can remember. One of my favorite childhood memories is being in Florida for the summer with my grandparents and going out to my great aunt and uncle's tiny chicken/bird farm. At the time I was given a spiral note book and a pencil and told to go make more fanciful pictures. Which I did, happily. I kept that notebook for many years to follow until it was lost in my own mess of a lazy childhood bedroom.
Art has always been a part of my life, even if it was just doodles on scrap paper to pass the time. But now, it's become a center. Something I want to share and feel value for. It's a gift of God, and it isn't my place to keep a gift of God hiding! After viewing the pics, take a stroll over to Facebook and like the page to keep some beautiful art on your news feed! Remember, when you subscribe to choose the option to show posts! I hope everyone has a great day!
Blessings and all my love! ~ Sherry

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Color Swatches Mission

Now that the moving has been done, its time to start thinking about that uhg-ly recliner. I'm close to 90% positive that I'm confident enough that I possibly might not mess this up. I can't possibly make it any worse, at any rate.

I'm sure hubs is settled in his mind that he wants the exact same material in the exact same color. I'm not saying yes and I'm not saying no. I'm saying there are a gazzilion choices and I'd like to consider at least a couple of them before we make a decision.

Beginning with type of material, I want soft, and it can't feel like crushed velvet. Nor can it be like those fuzzy furniture pieces from the 70's, only because it would look totally out of place. Nothing that is going to make me feel sticky in the summer time. But something that will go well with the heat and massage that are inside the chair. 

The material that is on it is the perfect material. He says its suede, but is it real suede or not? More investigation is needed, cuz I'm positive real suede isn't a cost we can afford.

Suggestions on sites to start looking would be awesome!

Blessings and all my love ~ Sherry

Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Peace of Being Settled

Moving is a lot of work. I should know, I've done it eleventy hundred times. There is this great satisfaction in getting everything out of boxes and creating a home for each and every thing.

I set goals for myself when I'm setting up a new place. The first night here my goal was to make enough room in our box filled living room to lay down the box spring and mattress. We couldn't use the bedroom for a few days as the carpet guys needed to get in there. Boxes were sorted, restacked, unpacked or otherwise moved out of my way. Eventually, there was room for our sleeping quarters.

The next day my goal was to make enough room for the table to get out of the way out the bathroom door. Being a woman who had four children this was a matter of urinary health and hygiene plus my safety! Again, boxes are moved, sorted, unpacked, re- stacked or otherwise gotten out of my way.

Soon after that came together hubs and I set a goal of getting the rest of the kitchen done. After that, it all came together pretty quickly.

We did however take a few days off before we finished the living room. Once that was done, the bedroom kinda got a bit unorganized again. I'll finish it tomorrow, I do believe.

There is a calm after all the unpacking is done. Everything is in it's place, its easy to maintain. We've worked so hard, we deserve a rest. I feel at piece, I was able to paint a couple plates. Life is pretty awesome.

But, tomorrow the rat race starts all over again....

Best wishes and all my love! ~ Sherry

Monday, September 30, 2013

Progress, Despite Pain

I'm tired. Not the sleepy tired that means I could sleep for twenty hours and wake up feeling refreshed and full of life again. The tired that means I ache all over, my feet hurt and despite sleeping for eight hours,I woke up just as tired as I had gone to bed. The kind of tired where my enthusiasm for decorating and unpacking has left me and I'm beginning to long for a good book, on a park bench in a quiet and secluded area.

I'm grumpy, I'm sore, my sores have sores. It hurts to walk, it hurts to stand, it hurts to sit or lay down. It hurts to move or to breath or even to blink. I'm pretty sure even my hair hurts.

The move took us a day and a half. Obviously, that doesn't include packing, since that took us nearly two months. Unpacking seems to be taking us a life time. Hours were spent between Saturday night and all day yesterday getting the kitchen set up. The bathroom took hubs about an hour total to set up. It's the only room I'd call complete. It's 100% functional. The kitchen is about 95% functional. The only thing left to do in the kitchen is to get out what doesn't belong there and to find an appropriate place for our bread maker.

I'm not sure how long it took hubs to set up the office. I fell asleep well before he did. It looks pretty good in here, I just need to get all of my stuff set up and we need the internet turned on.

The living room and the bedroom have to wait until the carpet guys get here today. They are replacing the carpet in the bedroom. We haven't been able to set anything up in there until they are done. Therefore, the living room is stacked with things for both rooms. Tick tock..  tick.tock... not even sure what time they will be here...

I'll be getting out and away from all this madness for a little bit this morning as I run to the post office to pick up our held mail and put in a change of address. Not the most exciting outing ever, but I'm still looking forward to it, regardless.

I took a nice soak in a bubble bath last night. I had envisioned this happening with a glass of wine, but when the time came I was a bit terrified that I'd feel asleep in the bathtub. This was my first time in a bathtub since we moved into the old apartment in February, 2012. I'll never rent another apartment without a bathtub, at least on propose! How I missed it...

Now, I'm not so sure how multiple pics get posted with this app. But, I want to share some of the pic highlights! I'll work on that.. you guys work on having a great day!

Best wishes and all my love! ~Sherry

Friday, September 27, 2013

Moving Day!!!

I can't believe it's really here! Finally!!! Today, the final walk through, getting the keys, taking pictures, moving in boxes. So much excitement I can hardly contain myself.
The it of it all.. I wish we could get out all moved out today, but it isn't going to be enough time. We will have to spend one more night in the old apartment. It's unfortunate we cannot trust adults to behave accordingly, but we cannot. It's unfortunate that we managed to find our selves in a predicament such as this in the first place. Having a suspected junkie for a roommate hasn't been fun. An epic adventure of the worst kind. And, the only thing I have to say about him right now is that he better know well enough to keep his mouth closed while we are moving, if he knows what's good for him, that is.

Then there is the landlord, and I use this term very loosely. I think renters should start asking potential landlords for references. Other than word of mouth, they have no checks and balances. Sure, court can make them comply, but when that tenant leaves, they get to start all over with a new, unsuspecting tenant. With the ever moving and the great need for places to live it's becoming cut throat. The landlords have the upper hand. There is little time, and competition is great, 30 minutes to long in making a decision means you have to decide quickly, within about the time it takes to view an apartment if the landlord is right for your as well as the apartment.
It matters! The apartment can be a beautiful and perfect fit for your family, but the landlord can be a controlling sod, or a complete nut job.

Don't become friends with your landlord. It is a business deal. Hold standards, be sure to have more than a ten minute discussion, and do your best to figure out what type of person you may be renting from. A very very very important question you could ask is how many tenants has the landlord had in the last five years. If it equals to a number greater than three, this could be an indication that the landlord has found issue with every tenant, and/or there are things wrong with the property it's self.
I've rented from all types. Although, this will be my first time renting in an apartment complex. I'm tired of shady landlords. Just because you own property that you are not utilizing yourself, doesn't mean you should be a landlord. If you have to be in control of every aspect, or appear to be, then maybe being a landlord isn't right for you. If the lease you draw up is more than five pages long, filled with rules that make no sense whatsoever (your tenants cannot hang clothes in their part of the yard?) Then you should probably think twice about being a landlord. If you are on medication for a mood disorder/mental illness, you again, should probably not be a landlord. If you believe that it's ok to hold off on property maintenance because you cannot afford to replace a refrigerator, or a stove, or fix your septic that's pouring all over the driveway in a timely manner, please, don't be a landlord. If it's your responsibility, per the lease that you had drawn up to mow the lawn and remove the snow, then your ass needs to be out there at five o'clock in the morning shoveling the snow off the walking path for your tenants. Your Saturday is now committed to mowing the grass to keep it from becoming a place where your tenants dog gets lost going out to potty. If your tenant offers to mow without charge, thank them for helping take care of your responsibilities, but check yourself, because they are probably trying to hint to you that you aren't fulfilling your end of the contract. If it's in your lease, then they've already paid you to mow the lawn. If other priorities are in your way and you cannot afford to hire someone to do it, then you do not have time to be a landlord.

Maybe I'm old fashioned. Maybe, just maybe I believe that when I pay for a service that I should get the service I paid for. If a landlord agreed to it in the price of rent, then damn it, do it. You have a contract to fulfill, complete it.

There should be a website that tenants can go to and rate their landlords. I'd totally be checking that out each time I moved.

All My Love and Best Wishes. ~ Sherry

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Work horse.

My next couple of days will be spent working like a horse. For all the preparations made in the last few weeks, it is all coming down to the next couple of days. So much to do, so much to finish.
Nothing can go wrong. We are literally down to the wire. Everything has to go in a box, in a bag, or otherwise set on the Great Wall O Boxes. Things that don't go there are headed out to the side of the road for the garbage man to sort through.
I'm sipping my coffee this morning. Waiting, waiting, waiting for my motivation to arrive. It's late, it's been running on its own schedule for this last week. Sometimes it doesn't arrive until an hour before it's quitting time. Not conducive, I may have to fire my motivation and apply for a new one.
Naturally, coffee tends to attract it, but even then, sometimes coffee isn't enough. Chronic pain sucks, and I'm 98% sure it scares my motivation away.
Just one more cup of coffee...